
Solution and Analysis of Windows Explorer Freezing Issue

# Problem Description

Recently, I encountered a very strange issue while using Windows 11 :

  • Whenever an application using the Cloud Files API (such as OneDrive, Nextcloud) is opened locally, Explorer freezes.
  • The left navigation pane displays normally, but Explorer becomes unresponsive when opening folders or operating files.
  • Switching to a new user account resolves the issue, indicating the problem is specific to the current user.

# Attempted Solutions

I tried various solutions found online, including SFC /DISM repair, resetting OneDrive, adjusting the registry, disabling Cloud Files related services, etc., but none completely resolved the issue.

I reinstalled OneDrive multiple times, but it didn't help!

reflink: Explorer Freezes on Specific Folders

Some even suggested creating a new user and migrating, but that would be too costly. I have many mklink settings, and migrating would be very troublesome.

reflink: OneDrive Local File Opening Freeze

Some suggested that it might be caused by iCloud , and deleting iCloud resolved the issue. This seems to be a possible key to solving the problem.

reflink: OneDrive Local Opening Slow - Whether Connected or Not (Caused by iCloud and OneDrive Conflict)

I also searched on Reddit and found related issues. Some people encountered similar problems, but they were caused by the preview pane. I tried this method, but it didn't work.

reflink: OneDrive Regularly Freezing Windows Explorer

Until accidentally, I discovered a hidden key option in Windows Settings that completely resolved the issue!

# Final Solution: Check Windows Device Mobile Connection Settings

# 1. Discovering the Key Clue

During an accidental observation, I noticed that in the left navigation pane of Explorer, a folder named after my phone appeared. Clicking into it, I found the contents were files from my phone.

This reminded me of the case where iCloud caused Explorer to freeze, so I suspected it was a conflict caused by Windows Phone Link.

I decided to consider disabling Phone Link to see if it would improve.

Then I discovered:

# 2. Key Setting: Enable Windows Bluetooth Mobile Device Access

In Windows Settings, I found this option:

  1. Open Windows Settings (Win + I)
  2. Go to “Bluetooth & devices” > “Mobile devices”
  3. There, I was surprised to find that the option “Allow this PC to access your mobile devices” was turned off!
  4. Enabling this option instantly restored Explorer to normal!

# Why Does It Cause Windows Explorer to Freeze?

It is currently unclear why Windows causes Explorer to freeze in this situation, but from my analysis, possible reasons include:

  1. Compatibility Issues with Cloud Files API and Mobile Device Mounting

    • Windows 11 allows the PC to access phone files (especially Android phones), but if this feature is not properly enabled, it may cause anomalies in the file management system.
  2. Explorer Mounting Logic Error

    • Explorer attempts to access a mobile storage device without full permissions or is restricted, causing it to freeze while trying to index.
  3. Conflict with OneDrive / Nextcloud

    • Phone Link may conflict with OneDrive / Nextcloud, causing resource contention and anomalies in the file synchronization API.

# Summary

If you encounter a similar issue, where Windows Explorer freezes but other user accounts are normal, try the following steps:

  1. Check if there are unconnected mobile devices or iCloud-related folders in the navigation pane.
  2. Go to Windows Settings > Bluetooth & other devices > Mobile devices, and enable “Allow this PC to access your mobile devices”.
  3. Consider whether there are other similar services installed, such as Nextcloud or other similar mounting programs.

This hidden setting is rarely mentioned, but it is one of the root causes of Explorer anomalies. I hope this blog can help friends who encounter the same problem!